What is EcoTuff Rubber sports flooring?
EcoTuff is a tough, resilient, waterproof flooring that is perfect for weight rooms, locker rooms and other place where you need a safe, strong floor. EcoTuff can also help noisy areas and areas where you need to assure secure footing as well. EcoTuff is economical and very easy to install.
- LEED credit available - Up to 100% recycled
- Extremely durable
- Proven history, value priced
- Portable InvisiLoc option
- Easy to repair
- Weight rooms, cardio rooms, do-it-yourself projects
Features and Details
Excels in:
- Extremely durable
- Proven history
- Value priced
- Portable InvisiLoc™ option available
- Easy to repair
- Density: 4′ x 50′ x 9mm (3/8″) 1.95 lbs/sq. ft.
- Tensile Strength: ASTM D412, Die c 116 min psi
- Elongation: ASTM D412, Die c 74% min
- Compression: ASTM F36 Recovery
50 psi 15% 81%
100 psi 28% 92%
200 psi 45% 95%
- Shore a Hardness: ASTM D2240 50+5 points
- Tear Strength: ASTM D624, Die c 30ppi
- Compression: Set B ASTM D395
- 25% Deflection, 22 hrs. 158°F 26%
Recycled Rubber
- EcoTuff rubber flooring rolls: 4′ x 50′ x 9mm (3/8″) 1.95 lbs/sq. ft.
- EcoTuff rubber flooring tiles: 36″ x 36″ x 9mm (3.8″) 1.95 lbs/sq. ft.
- EcoTuff rubber flooring InvisiLoc™ Tile 24″ x 24″ x 9mm (3/8″) 1.95 lbs/sq. ft.
- Tensile Strength ASTM D 412 200 lb/in2 minimum
- Coefficient of Friction ASTM D 2047 >0.9 μk
- Chemical Resistance ASTM D 925 No change
- Elongation at Break ASTM D 412412 75% min
- LEED credits available
- University of Illinois, Champagne, Illinois
- University Club of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
- St. Martins University, Seattle, Washington
- Providence Technical High School, Providence, Rhode Island
- Kemert Chiropratic Rehabilitation Center, Cincinnati, Ohio